Photo: Les Talusan

We affirm with pride that the SAMASAMA community is woven together through varied narratives of Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous artists.⠀

In representing stories of non-Black communities of color, we must ask ourselves: in what ways are we perpetuating violent systems of oppression in this nation and in our ancestral homes? In what ways may we fight them?⠀

We must face the deep and painful truths of violence, racism, and colorism among the Asian and Black communities: through dismantling anti-Blackness in ourselves and our communities while simultaneously holding space for our humanity and trauma; through imagining liberated and decolonized ways of moving in the world, finding our voices, and being in relationship with one another. It is difficult work, and we will strive and falter.⠀

But we MUST commit to rooting ourselves in loving connections, and ensuring that our actions to flow from that place of true solidarity and care.⠀

Art is key in this work—be it solemn or joyful, exaltant or incisive. Art affirms our humanity; it gathers and connects us in powerful and unspoken ways, and allows us to build new worlds together.⠀

Let us rise up and use the power of art to support education, engagement, and direct action in and between our communities.⠀

Let us use our bodies, energies, skills and funds to fuel change, while we do the essential work of transforming ourselves from the inside out.⠀

In the coming weeks, we aim to uplift and highlight the voices of our Black artist family. Please take the time to support and LISTEN.