📷 : taken by me, on 12/31/2010 in a taxicab ride in Makati, 🇵🇭
Bahala Na is a popular expression from the Philippines that is similar to the phrase "Que sera, sera" or “Whatever will be, will be.” It reflects both resiliency and a fatalistic attitude that I grew up with.
Bahala Na is a show that reflects my experiences and intrepid musical taste. Each set is curated with passion and spontaneity, so you can expect a variety of tunes, both familiar and foreign, from my eclectic record collection.
On Thursdays, 3-4PM, I'll be streaming live from Eaton Radio but this Friday (and maybe other Fridays as well), from 7-9PM, I'll be on IG Live from my home studio wearing my tsinelas.
Bahala Na!
7/10 IG Live @lestalusan (7-9PM)
7/16 Eaton Radio Mixcloud Live (3-4PM)
7/17 Mixcloud Live (7-9PM)
7/23 Eaton Radio Mixcloud Live (3-4PM)
7/30 Eaton Radio Mixcloud Live (3-4PM)
See you tonight! I’ll be playing records from 7-9PM EST. I’m thinking of playing a Punk Soul Sisters/Sister Sister set, dedicated to Sally Go Round, and everyone else who has encouraged me to keep DJing virtually.
IG live caps hourly so please tune back in if it cuts off. Also, you can listen through your browser, just log onto IG and go to @lestalusan live (maybe I can also stream on Mixcloud Live if I can figure it out!) 🖤.